Art ship M/S Half Machine.
Art, events, music and installations on Copenhagen art ship M/S Half Machine, also known as ‘Pananga Pearl’
The floating performance and installation ship M/S Half Machine created in 2007-2009 a spectacular frame for the ‘Half Machine’ and ‘Live Art Installations’ projects, like the Submarine Ballet, the spectacular M/S Halfmachine events of 2007 and 2008, and the tour of Danish harbours Nordhavn, Sydhavn, Koege and Elsinore, with our entourage of 2 submarines, large pyro-installations on water, underwater light installations, aquarium dancers, live concerts, installation art, dance performances, artist labs, and much more.
M/S Half Machine was the name of an old cable barge from 1964, brought back to life by our artists and volunteers who undertook the huge task of repair and establishing an infrastructure suitable for artists work spaces. Our goal was to create permanent facilities for the Half Machine projects, as we rescued the then abandoned barge from the island of Fyn, and towed it to Copenhagen.
The former engineer platform weighs 480 tons and spreads over 800m2, 3 decks, cabins, cargo rooms, cranes and giant water pumps and generators. It was used for underwater cable work in the Norwegian archipelago and to build a major bridge, Storebæltsbroen, in Denmark.
In 2009 the ownership of the barge dissolved, and Half Machine and Live Art Installations adventures on the beautiful old barge ended.
Kunstskib M/S Half Machine
kunst, dans, events, musik og installationer på den gamle pram , også kendt som ‘Pananga Pearl’
M/S Half Machine kaldte vi den gamle entreprenørpram, ‘Storhavn’ fra 1964. Prammen blev reddet og restaureret af vores tilknyttede kunstnere og frivillige, der i 2007 fik prammen slæbt fra Nyborg Færgeleje til Københavns Sydhavn.
I perioden 2007-2009 skabte M/S Half Machine de spektakulære og usædvanlige rammer for ‘Half Machine’ and ‘Live Art Installations’ projekter, med bl.a. ubådsballetter, pyrotekniske installationer på vandet, undervands lys- og lydinstallationer, dansere under vand, koncerter, kunstnerlaboratorier og publikumsinteraktive events. Større begivenheder var bl.a. ‘Ubådsballet’, ‘Køge Søger Havn’ og ‘Helsing Øre+Øjne’ i 09, ‘Half Machine’ i Nordhavn 08 og ‘M/S Half Machine’ i Sydhavnen 07, i samarbejde med Peter Madsen og hans ubåde Kraka og Nautilus.
Den tidligere entreprenør platform vejer 480 tons, et areal på 800m2, 3 dæk, kahytter, lastrum, kraner og gigantiske vandpumper og generatorer. Den blev brugt som kabel-lægger i den norske skærgård, og var med til at bygge Storebæltsbroen.
I 2009 opløstes ejergruppen af M/S Half Machine, og Half Machine projekter med den smukke gamle pram sluttede.