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Land Dance Copenhagen

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Engaging Copenhageners in re-thinking their connections with the landscapes we are surrounded by, meeting at the crossroads between urban and natural. 

JUNE 21-27th Copenhagen @ Refshaleøen
open workshops, performances and concerts

LAND DANCE COPENHAGEN is an adventurous artistic journey in to local environments, the cross fields of urban nature and architecture, into dance and music. The project is a co-creation between local and international performers and musicians.
This LAND DANCE journey engages with the coastal landscapes of our city. We connect through the body, to each other, to the elements of nature, to the history of the lands, present, past and future. We work with instant composition and dance improvisation.
The LAND DANCE project has traveled the Danish and Italian islands and countryside, now reaching Copenhagen.
Our work is site specific, engaging with urban and nature settings with an investigative and curious approach. How are human bodies interacting interacting with our habitat, man made and nature merging and transforming
In the company of amazing dancers and musicians, LAND DANCE engage Copenhageners in re-thinking their connections with the landscapes we are surrounded by.


21st JUNE @ Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
Wednesday kl 17-23
‘SOLSTICE DANCES’, Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
Dance Laboratory w live music, Communty dinner, fire and open dance floor, w Dasha Lavrennikow, Pipaluk, Rosella de Rosa, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Luca Tomasicchio, Andy Benz, and Rafael Rocha

24th +25th JUNE @ Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
Saturday kl 11-23+ Sunday 11-19+
‘MOVING AND BEING MOVED’, weekend workshops with amazing guest teachers from Spain and Brazil.
Dance workshop w Dasha Lavrennikow, Percussion workshop w Rafael Rocha, Open Laboratory and Community Dinner

27th JUNE @ Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
Tuesday kl 14-23+
Join day time laboratories, evening performances, concerts and open dancefloor, with Dasha Lavrennikov, Rafael Rocha, Pipaluk, Land Dance artists and guest stars
Laboratories and performances
kl 14-16 LAND DANCE Laboratory 1
kl 17-19 LAND DANCE Laboratory 2
kl 20-21
LAND DANCE, participatory performance and concert
dance performance by Dasha Lavrennikow
kl 21 Concert w Rafael Rocha (Brazil), Luca Tomasicchio (Italy)
kl 21.30 Sound Journey through the history of Refshaleøen, w Andreas Bennetzen
kl 22-23 Open DANCE FLOOR, hygge and live music by Rafael Rocha (Brazil), Luca Tomasicchio (Italy) and friends
Participation is free, kindly bring your own favourite snacks, food and drinks (-:

INFO Laboratory :
LAND DANCE walk and laboratory :
LAND DANCE invites Copenhagener’s of all ages to explore their surroundings. We offer tools for new movement experiences, and how to dance with your landscapes (-:
Together we improvise and explore, discover how to create instant choreography and composition, how to connect and relate to our environment, through our bodies.
We move together in an easy and playful way, being our own dancers, in collaboration with amazing live musicians. We offer 2 different laboratories, join one, or both (-:
If you feel inspired, you are welcome to join the participatory LAND DANCE performance and concert.
You are also very welcome to just come for a walk, and watch, as both the laboratories and performances are bringing new life to the local environment.

INFO Performances :
TONOS PRIMEVOS (La Peña) by Dasha Lavrennikov
A body that allows itself to be transformed- into fluxes of color, traces of lines and curves, primary tones – disfiguring themselves in search of origins beyond what was always named and externally categorized as their nationality and identity. Allowing oneself to experience ones own essence and imagination, feeling and being colours, textures and tones.
The body is guided by its peripheries – sensory tentacles – capturing the environment. The dancers migrates and instantly composes, reading chromatics, sounds, and spatio-textural landscapes, engaging with elements and forces, visible, invisible.
Performed and created by Dasha Lavrennikov, Spain

LAND DANCE performance and concert
Participatory dance walks, both meditative and full of life, be curios, be silent, be present, move, dance, sit or walk, as you like. What is calling you, what is interesting to touch, to feel the structure, hear the sound.
Beautiful dancers and musicians are illuminating your path.

Sound Journey, through the history of Refshaleøen, by Andreas Bennetzen
“Tag med på en auditiv rejse gennem de mangeartede historiske lag som Refshaleøen rummer.
Fra Flådens kanoner og støvletramp til nutidens party -og fritidskultur.
Lyt til lydene fra Danmarkshistoriens største Skibsværft: B&W og hør hvordan lyden af den karakteristiske landvinding, der kendetegner områdets specielle status som evigt foranderligt forvandles til beats” 

MORE INFO below, and in the fb events (-:

Come join us, come explore with us, into the periphery of the metropole.
Original music and movement is inspired by the physical encounter with our surroundings and the stories of our local landmarks. Connecting our bodies to our surroundings might to lead us towards a different understanding, how sustainable choices in urban living and development can be made.

LAND DANCE helps illuminate the atmosphere of a chosen place, as we might contemplate how our inner nature relates to our surroundings.

LAND DANCE labs, workshops and perfromances is created by local and international performers and musicians, initiated by Danish choreographer Pipaluk.
This edition is in co-creation with Spanish choreographer and dancer Dasha Lavrennikov and Brazilian percussionist and composer Rafael Rocha, also including dancers and performers Rosella De Rosa, Antonio Bueno and Dorte Bjerre Jensen, double bass players and composers Andy Benz and Luca Tomasicchio, along with international guest stars.
Facilities kindly provided by Metropolis Anneks.
Workshops in collaboration with CI-CPH
Supported by Christianshavns Lokaludvalg


21st JUNE Wednesday kl 17-23
‘SOLSTICE DANCES’, Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
kl 17-20 Dance Laboratory w live music, open to all interested dancers, movers and musicians, w Dasha Lavrennikow, Pipaluk, Rosella de Rosa, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Luca Tomasicchio, and Rafael Rocha
Theme, ’Dancing our nature’, dance improvisation and contact improvisation in studio and outdoors in green blue surroundings
kl 20-21 Solstice Community Dinner, outdoor fire
kl 21-23+ Open Space Creation, inviting musicians and dancers to explore the longest day, the shortest night, in studio and outdoors
Kindly bring your own favourite snacks, food and drinks (-:
To book your participation, mobile pay Dance Practice, 8147TG

24th +25th JUNE @ Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
‘MOVING AND BEING MOVED’, weekend workshops with amazing guest teachers from Spain and Brazil.
Dance workshop w Dasha Lavrennikow, Percussion workshop w Rafael Rocha, Open Laboratory and Community Dinner
Saturday and Sunday kl 11-14
DANCE WORKSHOP with Dasha Lavrennikov, Spain , ‘Moving and being moved’
Saturday and Sunday kl 15-17
PERCUSSION WORKSHOP w Rafael Rocha, Brazil, ‘Rhythmic and sound exploration of the body’
Saturday and Sunday kl 17-19
OPEN LABORATORY. Dasha, Rafael and friends invite musicians and dancers to join performative scores, open for everyone to participate or watch
Saturday kl 19
COMMUNITY DINNER and hygge, bring food and drink to share with the table, outdoors

27th JUNE @ Refshaleøen/Teaterøen
Tuesday kl 14-23+
Join day time laboratories, evening performances, concerts and open dancefloor, with Dasha Lavrennikov, Rafael Rocha, Pipaluk, Land Dance artists and guest stars
Laboratories and performances
kl 14-16 LAND DANCE Laboratory 1
kl 17-19 LAND DANCE Laboratory 2
kl 20-21
LAND DANCE, participatory performance and concert
dance performance by Dasha Lavrennikow
kl 21 Concert w Rafael Rocha (Brazil), Luca Tomasicchio (Italy)
kl 21.30 Sound Journey through the history of Refshaleøen, w Andreas Bennetzen
kl 22-23 Open DANCE FLOOR, hygge and live music by Rafael Rocha (Brazil), Luca Tomasicchio (Italy) and friends
Participation is free, kindly bring your own favourite snacks, food and drinks (-:

photos : top, Dasha at Refshaleøen, by Mathias Vejerslev, middle, Dasha at Prøvestenen, by Pipaluk